

What do I do if...

Send File to Dan

Receive File from Dan

Circular 230 FAQ

Daniel G. Kabat, CPA
Minden, NV 89423

Ph. 775.267.9989

Send File to Dan

Use this form to send me up to 5 files at one time.

  1. You will need a password to send files. Please call me if you need one.
  2. Enter your e-mail address (required), message (optional) and password (required) below.
  3. Gather the files you want to send. Select "Browse" or "Choose File" to locate the file you
    want to send from your computer. Once you find it, select "Open." Repeat up to a
    maximum of 5 files.
  4. Once you have chosen all of your files to send, select "Send This File" to complete the process.
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